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  /  Tutorials   /  The Semantic Web: What it is and how it affects your web presence

The Semantic Web: What it is and how it affects your web presence

If your website is more than 3 years old, the odds are high that it does not perform adequately on today’s internet. In the past websites were built as a destination. Information architecture and user interface design reigned supreme.  You drove traffic to your site and counted visits and visitors. But now – with the rapid move toward the semantic web (web 3.0) – discoverability resulting from the inter-connectedness of information reigns supreme. That coupled with changes brought by artificial intelligence tools, whether that is Siri and Alexa, chatbots, or answer boxes by Google, websites have to be reconceived and re-deployed to suit your objectives. This concise presentation will introduce you to the semantic web and how to make the best use of web 3.0 capabilities.

A short presentation Semantic Web August 2020