Part 1 of 2: Rethinking Presenting and Touring in the age of COVID-19 and beyond
Let’s talk together, in all seriousness, about digitizing the performing arts. Six panelists discuss digital technologies, live streaming and ways of performing and working in
Digital Communications for Live Arts Presenters in age of COVID-19
Listen to the live recording from March 24, 2020, download the presentation file and review a summary of participants comments.
Announcing Webinar Series: Digital Actions in the Age of COVID19
In the sudden age of COVID19 with its bans on gathering groups of people in the same physical space, how can live arts presenters remain
Reflection on Arts, Culture and Digital Transformation Summit in Banff
A reflection on the most promising ideas and activities for moving forward in a digital transformation in the arts: indigenous worldviews and collaboration between people
Delivering digital know-how in Ladysmith, BC
Series of four digital literacy intelligence workshops for artists and arts organizations: assessment, web 3.0, e-mail marketing and social media networks.
How intelligent is AI today?
The types of technologies included in the definition of AI is more varied and more basic than the advanced AI life in Sci-Fi movies suggests.
Report: Digitizing the Performing Arts
Live performing arts organizations have long prided themselves on providing an important way for individuals and communities to connect, be entertained and have important conversations.