Announcing Webinar Series: Digital Actions in the Age of COVID19
On March 13, we postponed a series of workshops slated for the end of March in the four Atlantic provinces, and Pacific Contact in April. We plan to present the postponed workshops in November 2020. In the meantime, we are hosting online digital workshops to discuss practical digital action as well as some comfort and context as we go through this isolation period.
Fundamental disruption
Within the span of a week live arts organizations and performing and touring artists have seen their way of life fundamentally threatened. This has created a rush toward the digital world by live performing artists. Musicians are giving living room recitals and streaming fully produced concerts. The Met and Berlin Phil made their catalog of digital performances available free of charge. There are local and global digital experiments including Facebook Live and YouTube to connect with each other and audiences. New kinds of digital “festivals” are emerging to fill the void.
There is a huge ready audience
Self-isolating individuals and entire locked down communities have one option to stay connected with the outside world: digital. From digital news, entertainment, gaming, streaming to digital dating, from banking and shopping online to email, WhatsApp and other direct communications channels. Life – for a time – simply is digital.
Meeting the Challenge
But this sudden digital life is a serious challenge for live arts.
How do live performers and touring artists shift into the digital world so they can make a living? What is the role of the live arts presenter in this digital world? How can individuals get paid for their work when the tools at their disposal are not designed for anything but free?
Starting March 24, we offer a series of webinars that addresses immediate issues:
- What digital actions can live arts presenters take now to continue to be a vital part of their communities?
- How to build strong digital relationships with audiences and the wider community in a time of self-isolation or quarantine?
- How can we reimagine touring and presenting in the age of COVID19 and, yes, the pressures of climate change, too?
We will post each webinar in our upcoming workshops section. We will mix presentation, conversation and provocation, with a sharing of experiences and developing new approaches together by necessity: while there are some clear answers we are in uncharted waters together.

Webinars will be delivered through zoom video and audio conferencing.

Inga Petri, workshop leader – digitally powered since 1995. And as a home-based remote worker these last 13 years, Inga has gained a wide repertoire of making the digital world work for her and her clients.