This private page is accessible to registered participants of Building a Digital Arts Nation Conference: What’s Next. This digital conference takes place from November 2 to 17, 2021.
Each week, we will add recordings of each workshop, panel or conversation as well as any additional information supplied by the workshop leaders.
November 2, 2021
Making Space with Davida Wood and Tosh Southwick (IRP Consulting) (Yukon) with session opening reflections by Jenelle Duval (Newfoundland)
A practical workshop to advance the conversation together of making space for diversity and inclusion on the stage, in arts organizations, online and among audiences through an Indigenous lens.
Resources and Recordings
Chat_Nov2_DigitalArtsNation – Text file including links to resources.
Baroness von Sketch – Land acknowledgement (Youtube)
Nov2_TSouthwick_DWood_DigitalArtsNation – presentation file in PDF
November 3, 2021
So Far: Thriving Equitably in a Digital Age with Jessa Agilo (ArtsPond) and Margaret Lam (Octagram) (Ontario) with session opening reflections by Sherry Copenace (Manitoba)
In this interactive 90-minute session, the workshop leaders share wise practices that have helped them better understand and address complex issues of equity, justice, access, and inclusion in the digital realm. They will introduce an emerging knowledge framework they have developed as co-founders of the national digital initiative, DigitalASO. In a co-creation process, participants will have the chance to explore how the three pillars of human-centered design (human desirability, tech feasibility, and business viability) can be used to help presenters become better prepared to thrive equitably in a digital age.
Resources and Recordings
Recording of workshop (private Youtube)
Knowledge Framework-Preview (PDF)
November 9, 2021
Session opening by: Dena Zagi, Yukon
B2B Digital Collaborations: A New Frontier in the Performing Arts
Panelists discussed the latest in B2B data collaboration and interoperability in the performing arts (Tammy Lee/Culture Creates – Quebec) encompassing the evolution of I Want to Showcase application (Skip Taylor/OSAC – Saskatchewan), The Pitch: Digital Marketplace for the Performing Arts (Debbie Peters – Yukon), a new Block Booking tool (Ceilidh Wood/Ontario Presents), and linked open data directories like Wikidata (Jai Djwa/Agentic Digital/CAPACOA – British Columbia) and Artsdata.ca (Tammy Lee).
November 10, 2021
Session opening reflections by GR Gritt (Ontario)
Presenting Shows Digitally: New Avenues to Reach Fans and Grow Audiences
Panelists discussed the evolution of audience-facing digital tools available to presenters to help build their online-offline digital presentation practice including Side Door Access (Laura Simpson, Nova Scotia), The Public Place Network (Doug Berquist, Alberta), Stage Page and the W3C Performing Arts Working Group (Mariel Marshall, Ontario) and video and sound recording considerations for artists and venues when going digital (G.R. Gritt, Ontario).
With special thanks to Laura’s analog side kick, Pierre. (See 24 min into the recording)
Resources and Recordings
Zoom recording with chapter markers
The Chat from the session with links
Fascinating Video Consumption Stats and Facts (Douglas Berquist)
November 16, 2021
Session opening reflections by: Kym Gouchie, BC
Presenting Ways Forward: Adapt or else? with Raeesa Lalani (Prismatic Arts Festival), Kevin A. Ormsby (KasheDance, CPAMO) and Leonard Podolak (Home Routes)
Arts presenters and makers from across Canada discussed not how they are rebuilding better. but how they are building stronger. They illuminated the challenges of adaptation and how their approaches to digital and to hybrid in person and digital models have been evolving. They spoke about new partnerships in the real world and digital world to connect with audiences in new, and different ways. And they talked about how they work to lift up artists from all kinds of backgrounds and artistic practices.
Live poll results – click on each thumbnail to view larger.
November 17, 2021
With Simultaneous French translation – thanks to CAPACOA’s co-presentation.
Session opening reflection by Michael R. Denny (Nova Scotia)
Digital Technology Trends: Avoid or Adopt? with Tammy Lee, Art Proctor and Lee Erdman
Speakers discussed digital technologies to watch and tried to unravel both the promise and the hype. Tammy Lee/ Culture Creates (Montreal) explained how the Internet works in entirely new ways since it became “the semantic web” and the implications for presenters’ web presence. Art Proctor, Afro-Metis and Calgary-based crypto artist, community manager, entertainment & Immersive Media consultant. Lee Erdman, based in Toronto, brings her Extended Reality (XR) explorations and the potential roles of performing arts presenters to the conversation.
Resources and Recordings
Watch Zoom recording in English (Unlisted Youtube link)